Receiving a shipment
Note: We ask for a pack date because older fruit ripens differently from newer fruit. If you do not have a pack date, you can leave it blank. Note: We...
Loading a room and starting a cycle
To get to the shipment page, select Receiving from the top navigation and then click on details next to the desired shipment. Select a room, designat...
Entering a daily QC
QC entries are an important part of the Stella app. This information can influence adjustments to the ripening cycle. Scroll down on the Room page unt...
Following recommendations
Recommendations will show at the bottom of the info card at the top of the room after you complete the Daily QC for the cycle. You can tap on a recomm...
Shipping out at the end of a cycle
Canceling a cycle
Automatic gas detection and updating gas start time
Strella will detect gassing automatically. However, you can also indicate it by clicking the toggle in the upper right of the room page. If you want ...
Changing the target date of an active cycle
Please note: The target date of a cycle can only be changed before starting the gas in the room.
How to take a pressure reading for Daily QC